The visit of the Chairman and his associates of ZIIS Modern Boarding School at Tazakka Islamic modern boarding school campus was warmly welcomed by the Chairman of Tazakka, KH. Anang Rikza Masyhadi, MA, KH. Bisri, and some alumni of modern Gontor.(10/5). The purpose of visit is introduce and report the performance of ZIIS modern boarding school. The opening speech of Ustadz Hero Handriyanto, S.H.I said Haji Casiwan’s regard who is the founder of the ZIIS modern boarding schoolto the chairman of PM Tazakka and asked for his advice and enlightenment (Taujihat wal irsyadat) in developing boarding school.
PM Tazakka is one of alumni gontor boarding that has been growing significantlyin the field of waqf and KMI system, the leader of PM Tazakka, KH. Anang Rikza Masyhadi M.A said the current KMI system has been recognized by the government and the diploma has been accepted by a lot ofacademy and university. Moreover, he added “the most important thing in developing the pesantren system is the whole elements should be total; the total leader and the total teachers. Everyone who are involved in it must be total. Al-Uswah wal Qudwah Afsohu kalam, our attitude and action should be exemplary in the Islamic boarding school.”
This totality is in line with the founder of PPM ZIIS statement. The whole elements in PPM ZIIS must be total, “nek iyaa yaa iyaaa nek ora yaa oraa which means take it or leave” it said him. In the end of visit, the head of PM Tazakka told a message to us about 3 things. “Firstly, everybody who wants to send cadres or delegations of institutions are allowed and will be given educational scholarships. Secondly, for those who want to learn waqf are welcome, but the waqf lessons are not instant, because ZISWAF is based on pesantren. Lastly, the boarding schools that want to apply KMI system should contact KH. Bisri directly.”
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